This post was last modified on May 13, 2024.

If you’re planning to embark on a career in real estate, staying informed about the latest industry developments is essential. A major change is the rollout of Senate Bill 1495 (SB 1495), which Governor Gavin Newsom enacted in September 2022.

Since January 1, 2024, every applicant for the salesperson or broker examination is now required to complete a revised Real Estate Practice course, which includes new content covering two crucial components: implicit bias and fair housing laws. In this article, we’ll break down the new requirements, their aims, who will be affected, and how you can prepare for these changes.

Understanding the New Requirements

The updated course requirements, which apply to all applications received by the Department of Real Estate (DRE) on or after January 1, 2024, include two essential components:

  1. Implicit Bias:
  • Instruction on how implicit, explicit, and systemic biases affect consumers
  • Analysis of the historical and societal consequences of biases
  • Actionable steps to recognize and address personal implicit biases
  1. Fair Housing Laws:
  • Application of federal and state fair housing laws to real estate practice
  • Interactive, participatory elements, including role-playing as consumers and real estate professionals

Aims of the New Requirements

The core objectives of the updated course requirements aim to:

  • Ensure real estate professionals understand the impact of implicit, explicit, and systemic bias on consumers
  • Increase awareness of historical and social effects of biases
  • Guarantee that real estate professionals adhere to federal and state fair housing laws that forbid discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability

Who Will Be Affected by the New Requirements?

The new requirements will impact individuals who:

  • Submit an application received by the DRE on or after January 1, 2024
  • Seek to take either the real estate broker or the salesperson examination

The DRE will collaborate with real estate schools to ensure the updated courses meet legislative requirements over the next year.

Preparing for the New Requirements: Steps to Take

To prepare for these new requirements, consider the following steps:

  1. Select a real estate school, such as Chamberlin Real Estate School, that stays updated with the newest requirements and provides recently-modified course content.
  2. Stay informed about industry changes through newsletters, industry blogs, and networking with real estate professionals
  3. Engage in professional development opportunities, such as workshops and seminars, to expand your understanding of implicit bias and fair housing laws

“I have used Chamberlin Real Estate online school to obtain my salesman license, broker licence and six license renewals. The process is efficient and I not only passed the tests but also kept up to date legislation and procedure changes. It all worked great for me.” ~ Luciano Ercolini

The Bottom Line

The real estate industry is constantly evolving, and it’s vital for professionals to stay informed about the latest changes. The implementation of SB 1495 in January 2024 will require all applicants for the salesperson or broker examination to complete an updated course in real estate practice that includes new content on implicit bias and fair housing laws.

By understanding the impact of implicit, explicit, and systemic biases on consumers, as well as the historical and social effects of those biases, real estate professionals will be better equipped to serve their clients. Additionally, the fair housing component will ensure that real estate professionals comply with federal and state fair housing laws, promoting a more equitable industry.
By staying informed and choosing a real estate school that is current on the latest requirements, you can set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling career in real estate.

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