Why Our Online Real Estate Course is the Best Choice for Aspiring Agents in California

The first step to become a real estate agent is choosing an education provider and completing your pre-license courses. If you are looking for a trustworthy school to kickstart your career, you are in the right place! Our online California real estate course is based on top-tier textbooks and offers a comprehensive learning experience.

Course Offerings

California Real Estate Principles: Understand the foundational aspects of real estate throughout the great state of California.

California Real Estate Practice: Get hands-on knowledge about the practical side of the real estate business. Chamberlin has the newest Practice course approved through the Department of Real Estate, and was one of the first schools to achieve this status. It is SB 1495 compliant and is good for 2023, 2024, and beyond.

Electives: Tailor your education with a variety of electives. Whether you’re interested in property valuation, financing, or the escrow procedure, we’ve got you covered!

See our website for detailed descriptions of each of our real estate courses.

Advantages of Our Online Courses

Our pre-license real estate courses aren’t just about reading text; they’re about truly understanding the world of real estate. With our High-Quality Content, you get:

– College-level textbook content in an engaging online format.

– A better preparation for the California State Examination compared to traditional home-study offerings.

– Sample questions similar to the state exam, ensuring you’re always prepared.

Features of Our Online Courses

Any Device Access: No software to install. Whether you’re on a phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop, our courses are just a click away.

Interactive Learning: Quizzes, graphics, and videos make learning fun and engaging.

Personalized Study: The course remembers where you stopped, so you can always pick up right where you left off.

24/7 Availability: Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, our courses are available anytime. It’s easy to work around your schedule, whatever it may be.

Support and Resources: From a glossary of real estate terms to links to related websites, we’ve got all the resources you need. Plus, get instant graded responses with explanations and benefit from personal instructor support.

The Credibility of Our Textbooks

Our textbooks are published by Dearborn, the nation’s leading training and content solution provider for real estate schools. With over 60 years of experience, Dearborn is committed to providing the highest quality real estate education. When you choose our courses, you’re not just getting a textbook; you’re getting a complete real estate teaching system.

California Real Estate Principles Textbook

The “California Real Estate Principles” textbook is the Gold Standard in the industry. Garnering trust from thousands of students and professionals alike, it is a reservoir of the most up-to-date information tailored specifically for the California real estate landscape.

What does the textbook offer?

  1. Comprehensive Insights into Real Estate: The textbook delves deep into essential real estate topics. For instance, it gives in-depth explanations of the intricacies of property valuation, guiding readers through the various methods like the sales comparison approach, cost approach, and income capitalization approach.
  2. Engaging Unit Exercises and Review Questions: To ensure that the learning is not just theoretical, the textbook is interspersed with unit exercises. For example, after a chapter on property valuation, there might be a practical exercise asking students to evaluate a property based on given data.
  3. Real-Life Application: The textbook doesn’t stop at just providing information. It goes a step further by showcasing real-life examples. Imagine learning about the escrow process and then being presented with a real-life scenario of a property transaction in San Francisco, detailing how escrow played a pivotal role.

California Real Estate Practice Textbook

The “California Real Estate Practice” textbook is more than just a book; it’s a roadmap to thriving in the real estate business in California. Improved many times over the years, this core text equips readers with a holistic understanding of the practical aspects of real estate in the state.

Highlights of the textbook include:

  1. Up-to-Date Legislative Information: The real estate landscape is ever-evolving, especially with changing laws and regulations. This textbook ensures you’re always in the loop. For example, if there’s a new law about tenant rights in California, you’ll find it covered here.
  2. Glossary of Key Terms and Definitions: The real estate exam is, at its core, all about terminology. This textbook has got you covered with a comprehensive glossary. Terms like “amortization,” “equity,” and “lien” are explained in simple language, ensuring clarity.
  3. Clear Learning Objectives and Summaries: Each unit begins with clear objectives, outlining what you’ll learn. At the end of each chapter, there’s a concise summary, ensuring you’ve grasped the key points. For instance, after a unit on marketing properties, the summary might recap strategies like staging, virtual tours, and open houses.
  4. Interactive Quizzes: To reinforce learning and test your grasp on topics, the textbook offers quizzes. After a chapter on property listings, you might encounter a quiz testing your knowledge on the difference between open and exclusive listings.

With these textbooks, you’re not just reading; you’re embarking on a journey to master the nuances of real estate in California.

Note: Hardcopy textbooks may be purchased for an additional cost, but the entire contents of the textbook are contained within the online course.

The Best Online Real Estate Course

Choosing the right course is crucial for your success as a real estate agent in California. Our online courses, backed by Dearborn’s expertise, offer everything you need to succeed. So, why wait? Register now and take the first step towards a getting real estate license online in California!

What Courses Do I Need to Take to Get My Real Estate License?

To qualify for a real estate license, you’ll typically need to complete specific courses that cover essential topics related to the real estate industry. We’ll explore the courses you’ll need to take to get your real estate license and provide you with valuable information to help you make an informed decision.

Real Estate Principles

The first required course you’ll need to complete is Real Estate Principles. This comprehensive course serves as an excellent introduction to the California real estate business, making it ideal for new licensees. It covers a wide range of topics, including real property ownership, financing, landlord and tenant relationships, appraising, land use, and more. Here’s a breakdown of the course contents:

  • The Business of Real Estate
  • Real Property Ownership
  • Transferring Real Estate
  • Encumbrances
  • Agency Contracts
  • Financing Real Estate
  • Government-Sponsored and Other Financing
  • Escrow and Title Insurance
  • Taxation
  • Landlord and Tenant
  • Appraising
  • Residential Design and Construction
  • Land Use
  • Math

Completing the Real Estate Principles course will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge and set you up for success in your real estate career.

Real Estate Practice

The second required course is Real Estate Practice. This course offers practical information and insights specifically designed for real estate salespersons and brokers. It covers important aspects of the industry, including prospecting methods, listing presentations, buyer representation, real estate financing, escrow, taxation, and property management. Here’s a breakdown of the course contents:

  • Getting Started in Real Estate
  • Ethics and Fair Housing
  • Mandatory Disclosures
  • Prospecting
  • Listing Presentations
  • Servicing the Listing
  • Advertising
  • The Buyer and the Property Showing
  • Obtaining the Purchase Offer
  • From Offer to Closing
  • Real Estate Financing
  • Escrow and Title Insurance
  • Taxation
  • Property Management and Leasing

By completing the Real Estate Practice course, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical skills necessary to navigate the real estate industry successfully.

Elective Courses

In addition to the two required courses mentioned above, you’ll also need to complete one elective course from a provided list. Here are the elective course options:

  • Legal Aspects of Real Estate Online (Recommended)
  • Real Estate Finance Online
  • Real Estate Appraisal Online
  • Real Estate Economics
  • Real Estate Office Administration Online
  • Property Management Online
  • Escrows Online

It’s important to choose an elective course that aligns with your interests and career goals. While all the options are valuable, the Legal Aspects of Real Estate Online course comes highly recommended due to its relevance to the real estate industry.

Course Details

To give you a better understanding of each elective course, let’s take a closer look at their descriptions:

California Real Estate Principles:

This course serves as a comprehensive introduction to the California real estate business. It covers various areas of professional specialization and provides a deep understanding of real property ownership and the intricacies of the field.

California Real Estate Practice:

Designed for real estate salespersons and brokers, this course offers practical information on prospecting, listing presentations, buyer representation, financing, escrow, taxation, and more. It equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in real estate.

California Real Estate Finance:

This course provides a clear introduction to real estate finance in California. It covers topics such as the nature and cycle of real estate finance, different sources of real estate financing, federal and state financial regulations, loan underwriting, investment financing strategies, and more. It aims to help you understand how real estate loans are made and keep you updated on the latest changes in tax laws and lending guidelines.

California Real Estate Law:

This course introduces you to the vast body of law that governs real estate transactions in California. It covers topics such as the law of agency, duties and responsibilities of licensees, real estate contracts, property ownership, land use controls, escrows and title insurance, landlord/tenant law, and more. By completing this course, you’ll be able to recognize situations that require legal counsel and have a better understanding of your rights and obligations under the law.

California Real Estate Economics:

This course explores economic theories related to the real estate industry, with a focus on factors that influence changes in real estate value. It presents complex economic concepts in a practical manner, making it accessible to students with little or no background in formal economics. Topics covered include economic systems, supply and demand, the real estate market, financing and taxation, real estate investment, appraisal analysis, and more.

Property Management:

This course equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful property management. It covers a wide range of management techniques applicable to different types of properties, such as apartments, office buildings, retail spaces, and industrial properties. You’ll learn about owner relations, marketing management, lease negotiations, tenant relations, maintenance and construction management, reports and insurance, and various other aspects of property management. The course also addresses important industry issues, including electronic technology, fair housing, ADA legislation, building security, and life safety.

Real Estate Office Administration:

Surviving and thriving in the real estate brokerage business requires effective management. This course provides guidance on setting up and running a successful brokerage. It covers topics such as analyzing the business climate, market analysis, business planning, organizational structure, financial management, marketing and advertising, staff recruitment and development, risk management, leadership skills, and effective communication. Whether you’re a new or experienced broker, this course offers valuable insights and strategies to help you manage your real estate business effectively.

California Real Estate Appraisal:

This course focuses on the appraisal industry and its impact on real estate transactions. It covers the importance and purposes of appraisals, principles controlling real estate value, economic analysis, site evaluation, construction methods and materials, various approaches to appraisal (cost, sales comparison, and income), reconciliation and final value estimation, writing appraisal reports, computerization of the appraisal process, and considerations for different types of single-family residences. It also provides information on license and examination requirements, lender appraisal guidelines, and common errors and omissions.

California Real Estate Escrow and Title:

This course provides a comprehensive study of escrow and title insurance principles, from historical practices to modern-day practices in transferring property title. It covers topics such as property rights, escrow elements, title insurance basics, contracts, regional variations and practices in California, escrow accounting, lending and the escrow process, protecting the consumer, specialty escrow transactions, advanced title insurance underwriting, default and foreclosure, and the role of the title insurer. By completing this course, you’ll gain a deep understanding of escrow and title processes in real estate transactions.

Recommended Elective Course

While all the courses have their own merits, the Legal Aspects of Real Estate Online course is highly recommended. This course dives deep into the legal framework surrounding real estate transactions. It helps you understand the legal responsibilities of licensees, the regulation of licensees, real estate contracts, property ownership, recording, property security devices, land use controls, escrows and title insurance, landlord/tenant law, and more. By completing this course, you’ll be better equipped to identify situations where legal counsel is necessary and ensure compliance with legal requirements throughout your real estate career.

Remember, the elective course you choose should align with your interests and career goals. Consider the areas of real estate that you find most intriguing or the aspects that you believe will be most beneficial to your future clients. Take the time to research and understand the content covered in each course to make an informed decision.

Course Delivery: Online Convenience

All the mentioned courses are available in an online format, allowing you to study at your own pace and convenience. Online courses provide flexibility, enabling you to balance your education with other commitments you may have. You can access the course materials from anywhere with an internet connection and learn at a time that suits your schedule. This flexibility is especially beneficial if you’re currently working or have other responsibilities.

Additionally, online courses often incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes and videos to enhance your learning experience. You’ll have the opportunity to engage with the material and test your understanding. Take advantage of these interactive features to deepen your knowledge and make the most out of your online learning experience.

The Bottom Line

To obtain your real estate license, you’ll need to complete the required courses of Real Estate Principles and Real Estate Practice. Additionally, you’ll choose one elective course from a list that includes options like Legal Aspects of Real Estate, Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Appraisal, and more. Each course covers essential topics relevant to the real estate industry, providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career.

Consider your interests and career goals when selecting your elective course. If you’re unsure, the Legal Aspects of Real Estate Online course comes highly recommended due to its relevance and importance in the real estate profession.

Remember that all the courses mentioned are available in an online format, offering flexibility and convenience. Online learning allows you to study at your own pace while still accessing comprehensive and interactive course materials.

Chamberlin Real Estate School has helped students just like you to embark on a rewarding career as a licensed real estate agent, for over 70 years. We look forward to meeting you, and assisting you in achieving your goals!

Can the California Real Estate License Course & Exam Be Taken Online?

Considering a career as a real estate agent and curious about online courses and exams? With the growth of distance education, real estate classes are now accessible online. This post discusses the benefits and drawbacks of online courses, how Chamberlin Real Estate School’s online courses function, and the availability of the state exam online.


Advantages of taking an online course


A major advantage of online courses is the flexibility they offer. You can learn at your own pace and on your own schedule, whether early in the morning or late at night, whatever suits you best.


Online courses can be taken from anywhere with an internet connection. This is especially beneficial for students who live in rural areas or who have other responsibilities, such as a job or family.


Online courses are often less expensive than in-person courses, as there are no overhead costs associated with physical classrooms.

Learning at your own pace

Online courses allow you to learn at your own pace, which can be especially helpful for those who need more time to understand complex topics or who want to review material multiple times.

Improved technology

As technology advances, online courses are becoming more interactive and engaging, with features such as practice tests and audio instruction, making learning more fun and immersive.

Disadvantages of taking an online course

Lack of face-to-face interaction

One of the biggest disadvantages of online courses is the lack of face-to-face interaction with instructors and other students, which can make it more difficult to build relationships and ask questions.

Self-discipline and time management

Online courses require a high degree of self-discipline and time management skills, as there may be fewer external deadlines and less structure than in-person courses.

Technology issues

Technical problems can sometimes arise with online courses, such as slow internet connections or computer malfunctions, which can interrupt the learning process.

Potential for less personalized feedback

Online courses may have larger class sizes, which can make it more difficult for instructors to provide personalized feedback to individual students.

Lack of accountability

Online courses often lack the inherent accountability provided by in-person courses, as the absence of physical presence and real-time interactions can lead to reduced motivation and a decreased sense of responsibility.

How do courses work at Chamberlin Real Estate School?

Chamberlin’s online real estate licensing courses provide high-quality content in an engaging, interactive format, using material similar to college-level textbooks. You can start immediately upon enrollment and work at your own pace. The courses track your progress, allowing you to resume where you left off, fitting your studies around other commitments.

Other features of Chamberlin online courses include sample questions similar to those you will encounter on the state exam, a glossary of real estate terms in text and audio, links to real estate-related websites, instant graded responses, and personal instructor support. If you have any technical issues, you can also take advantage of toll-free technical support to get the help you need.

Is the state exam offered online?

The California Real Estate Exam is not available online. Exam scheduling depends on the number of applications received by the Department of Real Estate (DRE) and the seating capacity of the facilities. Exams are administered in five areas: Fresno, San Diego, Los Angeles Vicinity, Oakland, and Sacramento, typically in an electronic format.

However, it’s important to note that examination locations within an area may vary, and requests for specific locations within the chosen area cannot be granted. Instead, you can use the eLicensing online system to select a specific exam date and site.

In addition, qualified examinees can now schedule themselves into an available exam via eLicensing as late as 6:00 a.m. on the day of the exam. Examinees will then be able to print themselves a barcoded schedule notice online to take to the exam. However, examinees that use eLicensing for exam scheduling will no longer be mailed out exam schedule notices as those can now be printed online.

It’s important to be aware of the examination control information as well. For security reasons, certain items are not permitted in the examination room, including cell phones, purses, wallets, backpacks, briefcases, suitcases, food, drink, study materials, tablets, portable computers, PDA’s, calculators, cameras, video or digital recording equipment, watches, lapel pins, tie tacs, and other items deemed inappropriate by proctors. Basic calculators will be provided for your use.

Cell phone use and/or mere possession of a cell phone during an exam is strictly prohibited, including while out on break. All cell phones must be powered off and placed in an individual locker provided for your use. Failure to comply with examination administration rules will lead to your disqualification.

Final Thoughts

Online real estate courses offer flexibility, convenience, cost-effectiveness, a broader range of courses, self-paced learning, and improved technology. However, drawbacks include a lack of face-to-face interaction and limited hands-on learning. Although the state exam is not online, online resources can help you prepare. Taking a pre-licensing course, studying regularly, practicing, and understanding the exam format can improve your chances of passing the state exam and becoming a licensed real estate agent.

If you’re considering taking an online real estate course, Chamberlin Real Estate School is an excellent option. Our online courses offer high-quality content in an engaging and interactive format, with features designed to help you succeed.

Becoming a licensed real estate agent opens up many opportunities, from assisting clients with buying and selling homes to building your own business. Taking an online course is a convenient and cost-effective way to obtain your license, but thorough preparation for the state exam is essential for success.

Remember that passing the state exam is just the first step in your real estate career. Continuing education and staying up-to-date with industry trends and regulations is essential to maintaining your license and providing the best service to your clients. Good luck on your real estate journey!