Why Our Online Real Estate Course is the Best Choice for Aspiring Agents in California

The first step to become a real estate agent is choosing an education provider and completing your pre-license courses. If you are looking for a trustworthy school to kickstart your career, you are in the right place! Our online California real estate course is based on top-tier textbooks and offers a comprehensive learning experience.

Course Offerings

California Real Estate Principles: Understand the foundational aspects of real estate throughout the great state of California.

California Real Estate Practice: Get hands-on knowledge about the practical side of the real estate business. Chamberlin has the newest Practice course approved through the Department of Real Estate, and was one of the first schools to achieve this status. It is SB 1495 compliant and is good for 2023, 2024, and beyond.

Electives: Tailor your education with a variety of electives. Whether you’re interested in property valuation, financing, or the escrow procedure, we’ve got you covered!

See our website for detailed descriptions of each of our real estate courses.

Advantages of Our Online Courses

Our pre-license real estate courses aren’t just about reading text; they’re about truly understanding the world of real estate. With our High-Quality Content, you get:

– College-level textbook content in an engaging online format.

– A better preparation for the California State Examination compared to traditional home-study offerings.

– Sample questions similar to the state exam, ensuring you’re always prepared.

Features of Our Online Courses

Any Device Access: No software to install. Whether you’re on a phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop, our courses are just a click away.

Interactive Learning: Quizzes, graphics, and videos make learning fun and engaging.

Personalized Study: The course remembers where you stopped, so you can always pick up right where you left off.

24/7 Availability: Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, our courses are available anytime. It’s easy to work around your schedule, whatever it may be.

Support and Resources: From a glossary of real estate terms to links to related websites, we’ve got all the resources you need. Plus, get instant graded responses with explanations and benefit from personal instructor support.

The Credibility of Our Textbooks

Our textbooks are published by Dearborn, the nation’s leading training and content solution provider for real estate schools. With over 60 years of experience, Dearborn is committed to providing the highest quality real estate education. When you choose our courses, you’re not just getting a textbook; you’re getting a complete real estate teaching system.

California Real Estate Principles Textbook

The “California Real Estate Principles” textbook is the Gold Standard in the industry. Garnering trust from thousands of students and professionals alike, it is a reservoir of the most up-to-date information tailored specifically for the California real estate landscape.

What does the textbook offer?

  1. Comprehensive Insights into Real Estate: The textbook delves deep into essential real estate topics. For instance, it gives in-depth explanations of the intricacies of property valuation, guiding readers through the various methods like the sales comparison approach, cost approach, and income capitalization approach.
  2. Engaging Unit Exercises and Review Questions: To ensure that the learning is not just theoretical, the textbook is interspersed with unit exercises. For example, after a chapter on property valuation, there might be a practical exercise asking students to evaluate a property based on given data.
  3. Real-Life Application: The textbook doesn’t stop at just providing information. It goes a step further by showcasing real-life examples. Imagine learning about the escrow process and then being presented with a real-life scenario of a property transaction in San Francisco, detailing how escrow played a pivotal role.

California Real Estate Practice Textbook

The “California Real Estate Practice” textbook is more than just a book; it’s a roadmap to thriving in the real estate business in California. Improved many times over the years, this core text equips readers with a holistic understanding of the practical aspects of real estate in the state.

Highlights of the textbook include:

  1. Up-to-Date Legislative Information: The real estate landscape is ever-evolving, especially with changing laws and regulations. This textbook ensures you’re always in the loop. For example, if there’s a new law about tenant rights in California, you’ll find it covered here.
  2. Glossary of Key Terms and Definitions: The real estate exam is, at its core, all about terminology. This textbook has got you covered with a comprehensive glossary. Terms like “amortization,” “equity,” and “lien” are explained in simple language, ensuring clarity.
  3. Clear Learning Objectives and Summaries: Each unit begins with clear objectives, outlining what you’ll learn. At the end of each chapter, there’s a concise summary, ensuring you’ve grasped the key points. For instance, after a unit on marketing properties, the summary might recap strategies like staging, virtual tours, and open houses.
  4. Interactive Quizzes: To reinforce learning and test your grasp on topics, the textbook offers quizzes. After a chapter on property listings, you might encounter a quiz testing your knowledge on the difference between open and exclusive listings.

With these textbooks, you’re not just reading; you’re embarking on a journey to master the nuances of real estate in California.

Note: Hardcopy textbooks may be purchased for an additional cost, but the entire contents of the textbook are contained within the online course.

The Best Online Real Estate Course

Choosing the right course is crucial for your success as a real estate agent in California. Our online courses, backed by Dearborn’s expertise, offer everything you need to succeed. So, why wait? Register now and take the first step towards a getting real estate license online in California!

Unraveling the Path to Real Estate Success with Chamberlin!

Welcome to the dynamic world of California real estate! If you’re on the brink of starting your journey as a real estate agent, the path you choose for education will play a significant role in your success. Let’s delve into why Chamberlin Real Estate School is your best choice for real estate license education!

The Chamberlin Process: Your Blueprint to Real Estate Mastery

Picture this: Over your morning brew, you’re scrolling through the web when Chamberlin Real Estate School catches your eye. In a matter of moments, with just a few taps, you’re enrolled and set to embark on an exciting new career.

Easy Enrollment:

  • Online & Call Options: Whether you’re a tech-savvy millennial or prefer the old-school phone method, we’ve got you covered.
  • Begin Anytime: No waiting periods. Start learning immediately.
  • Instant Access: Once enrolled, you’ll be greeted with a treasure trove of knowledge, all at your fingertips.

Swift Course Completion:

  • Finish the course in as little as 54 days! Picture finishing two months from now, posting that completion certificate on social media, and beaming with pride.
  • Online certificate availability means no annoying wait times.
  • And then, you’re ready to tackle that examination application!

Exam Preparation Tools:

  • Updated online practice questions based on actual student feedback.
  • Ever heard the saying, “Stay updated or get outdated?” We live by it!

Master the Exam with Our Live Webinar:

  • Scheduled right before your state exam.
  • Exclusive “Hot Questions” handout? Check.
  • A staggering >90% pass rate on the state exam? You bet!


Comprehensive Solutions for Aspiring Agents: Dive into Our Services!

Get My License:

  • All-inclusive package? Absolutely! With qualifying courses, exam practice, and a webinar crash course, we’ve left no stone unturned.

Renew My License:

  • Need to renew? We’ve got a stellar 45-hour package with all the essentials – mandatory subjects, online exams, and more!

Ace the State Exam with Chamberlin:

  • A wealth of tools to ensure you pass the California state exam on your first go.
  • Freshly updated, always in sync with student feedback.

Live 1-Day Webinar Crash Course:

  • A Zoom session so packed with insights, you’ll feel unstoppable by the end!
  • Taught by some of California’s finest real estate instructors, ensuring you’re always getting top-tier information.

Personal Instructor Support:

  • At Chamberlin, you’re never alone. With a personal instructor by your side, you can navigate the real estate maze with ease!


Why Chamberlin Courses Stand Out

Experience the Future of Learning:

  • Enjoy college-level quality content served with a modern twist.
  • Be it a PC, Mac, smartphone, or tablet, we’re with you on the go!
  • Oh, and remember – a personal instructor just for you to clear up all those little doubts or confusions.

Pioneering Online Course Blueprint:

  • The digital age demands innovation. And our online courses? They’re the gold standard, ensuring you’ll learn quickly and effectively.

The Chamberlin Webinar Magic:

  • Think Power Point presentation, but on steroids! A one-day session to equip you for the state salesperson or broker exam.
  • Exam hints, memorization aids, and expert instruction – we’ve got all bases covered!

Preparing to Excel on the State Salesperson Examination:

  • Our unique home-study model is blended seamlessly with personal instructor support.
  • With online homework, finals, state exam prep, and our legendary crash course, passing the state salesperson examination becomes less dream, more reality!

The Ultimate California Salesperson Pre-License Package

  • The 135-Hour pre-license package is exactly what the state requires – no more, no less.
  • 12 whole months of access, an array of courses, and unparalleled customer service – what more could you ask for?
  • Our personal instructors are even available on weekends!

Three Irresistible Reasons to Enroll with Chamberlin!

  1. Foundational Knowledge: Chamberlin courses are tailor-made to align with California’s Department of Real Estate requirements. Start building your real estate empire with the best!
  2. Comprehensive Preparation Tools: With state exam simulation and our invaluable crash course, you’re always two steps ahead.
  3. Guidance Galore: From the moment you sign up till you ace that state exam, the Chamberlin team is with you, ensuring no question goes unanswered.


Wrapping It Up

Choosing Chamberlin Real Estate School is more than just enrolling in a course; it’s joining a community committed to your success. So, why wait? Take the time to get a California real estate license and you’ll be ready when future opportunities arise!

Unlocking Success: 9 Insider Secrets to Crush Your California Real Estate Exam

Passing the California Real Estate Exam is a crucial step to validate your knowledge and skills in the real estate sector. With the competitive nature of the real estate industry in California, being well-prepared is non-negotiable. Chamberlin Real Estate School is committed to offering up to date exam prep materials and keeping our crash course engaging and fun to attend. Here are the keys to give you the best chance at passing the state exam. 


Tip #1: Understand the Exam Format

  • Objective: Acquaint yourself with the structure, types of questions, and scoring system of the exam.
  • Details: Knowing the format of the exam will help you strategize your preparation effectively. The California Real Estate Exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, and a score of 70% or higher is required to pass. Familiarizing yourself with the types of questions asked will help in reducing anxiety and improving accuracy during the actual exam. 

Tip #2: Create a Study Schedule

  • Objective: Designate specific, uninterrupted time slots daily for focused study.
  • Details: Consistency is key when preparing for an exam. Allocate dedicated time each day to review different topics and solve real estate practice questions. A well-structured study schedule helps in covering all the topics systematically and avoids last-minute cramming. For instance, allocate two hours each morning to review real estate laws and another two hours in the evening for practice questions.

Tip #3: Use Reliable Study Materials

  • Objective: Employ up-to-date and credible resources to deepen your understanding of the subject matter.
  • Details: Using reliable study materials ensures that you are studying the right content. Chamberlin Real Estate School provides the latest real estate textbooks, online resources, and other study materials that are crucial for your preparation. Regularly reviewing and revising from these resources will solidify your understanding and retention of the subject matter.

Tip #4: Take Practice Exams

  • Objective: Regularly undertake practice exams to identify and work on areas that need improvement.
  • Details: Practice exams simulate the actual test environment and help you gauge your preparedness. Chamberlin’s practice exams mimic the real exam conditions, allowing you to assess your knowledge and time management skills. Regular practice will also help in reducing exam anxiety and building confidence.

Tip #5: Focus on Weak Areas

  • Objective: Allocate more time and resources to topics you find challenging to strengthen your understanding.
  • Details: Identifying and focusing on your weak areas is crucial for improvement. If property valuation seems complex, delve deeper into this topic using various learning materials and seek clarification from experts or doing research online. Addressing your weak points early will ensure a balanced preparation and increase your chances of scoring high.

Tip #6: Stay Healthy

  • Objective: Maintain optimal physical and mental health through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.
  • Details: A healthy body and mind are crucial for effective learning and exam performance. Adopt a balanced diet, engage in regular physical activity, and ensure you get at least 7-9 hours of sleep nightly. Staying healthy will enhance your concentration, memory, and overall cognitive function, facilitating efficient learning and retention.

Tip #7: Develop Effective Note-Taking Skills

  • Objective: Develop a system for taking concise and effective notes to aid in understanding and revision.
  • Details: Effective note-taking helps in organizing information and makes revision more efficient. Develop a system that works best for you, whether it’s outlining, mapping, or charting. Regularly review and revise your notes to reinforce your learning and identify areas that may need more attention.

Tip #8: Manage Time Effectively During the Exam

  • Objective: Develop strategies to allocate adequate time to each question and avoid spending excessive time on a single one.
  • Details: Time management is crucial during the exam. Practice answering questions within a stipulated time and prioritize completing all questions over perfecting a few. Developing this skill during your preparation will help you manage your time effectively during the actual exam, ensuring that every question is attended to.

Tip #9: Stay Positive and Confident

  • Objective: Cultivate a positive mindset and self-belief throughout your preparation and during the exam.
  • Details: Maintaining a positive attitude and confidence is crucial for success. Regularly affirm your ability to pass the exam and visualize your success. Avoid negative thoughts and focus on your preparation and the knowledge you have acquired. A positive mindset will help in reducing stress and improving performance during the exam.

The Bottom Line

Successfully passing the California Real Estate Exam requires meticulous preparation, effective study strategies, and a positive mindset. By adhering to the tips provided, you can optimize your preparation and elevate your chances of passing the exam on your first attempt. Check out Chamberlin’s California Exam Prep and Crash Course class schedule which have been proven to help students find success.

Real Estate License Courses in California: Your Comprehensive Guide

Considering a career in real estate? You’re in the right place! Obtaining a real estate license in California is a major step. Understanding the course details is essential. Let’s explore these courses and how they can pave your way to success.

Time to Complete the Courses

Home-Study Flexibility: Chamberlin Real Estate School’s courses offer home-study flexibility, allowing you to progress at your own pace and fit learning into your schedule.

Minimum Time Guidelines: Set by the California Department of Real Estate, here’s a breakdown:

  • 1 Course: 2 1/2 weeks
  • 2 Courses: 5 weeks
  • 3 Courses: 7 1/2 weeks (Yes, you can finish in just 54 days!)

Maximum Time: You have up to a year from your enrollment date to complete your course.

Typical Timeline for Licensing

Embarking on this journey requires a roadmap. Here’s a typical timeline:

  • Course Completion: 7 1/2 weeks minimum.
  • DRE Application & State Exam Date: Approximately 6 to 8 weeks. This can vary based on the number of applicants.
  • License Issuance: It’s almost instant if you submit the combined application RE435.
  • Total Time: On average, you’re looking at 14-16 weeks from start to finish.

How the Online Courses Work

Chamberlin’s online real estate courses are a game-changer. Developed via a collaboration between proU.net and Dearborn Real Estate Education (the nation’s leading real estate curriculum developer), they offer:

  • Immediate Start: Enroll and dive right in!
  • Progress Tracking: No need to remember where you left off.
  • Final Examination: It’s online and open book.
  • Support: From personal instructor support to toll-free technical assistance, you’re never alone.

Course Descriptions and Content

Everyone likes variety, so we purposely offer multiple courses to fit what you are interested in learning:

  1. California Real Estate Principles (REQUIRED): A comprehensive introduction covering every area of professional specialization.
  2. California Real Estate Practice (REQUIRED): From prospecting methods to the latest listing contracts, this course has it all.
  3. California Real Estate Finance: Stay updated with the latest tax law changes, Cal-Vet, FHA, and VA guidelines.
  4. California Real Estate Law: Understand your rights and obligations under Californian law.
  5. California Real Estate Economics: A simplified text ideal for those new to formal economics.
  6. Property Management: Dive into management techniques for various properties.
  7. Real Estate Office Administration: Learn how to set up and flourish in a real estate brokerage.
  8. California Real Estate Appraisal: Address the changes in the appraisal industry.
  9. California Real Estate Escrow and Title: A deep dive into escrow and title insurance principles.

Our website provides details on the required and elective courses for real estate agent licenses.

Purchasing Options

You can choose individual courses or bundles tailored to your needs, with discounts for multiple enrollments, providing value at every step.

Practice Questions and Exam Preparation

Enhance your confidence with online practice questions for the DRE State Licensing Exam. Over 1,000 questions, automatic grading, and links to a detailed glossary ensure you’re well-prepared.

1-Day Live Zoom Webinar Crash Course

Feeling overwhelmed? We’ve got your back! Our real estate exam crash course is designed to ensure you’re exam-ready. With key terminology, expert instructors, and “hot questions” handouts, you’re in safe hands.


Starting a real estate career in California is an exciting journey. With the right courses and resources, success is within reach. Ready to begin? Click here to take the first step!

Verifying a California Real Estate License

Buying or selling real estate is one of the most significant transactions in your life. Therefore, it is important to work with a knowledgeable, experienced, and trustworthy professional. Unfortunately, not all real estate agents meet the same standards. Some might engage in fraudulent activities, such as misrepresenting property details or claiming undue commissions. These types of scams can result in significant financial losses and can cause a lot of stress and frustration.

Verifying a real estate broker’s license helps protect you from fraud and legal issues. This involves ensuring the broker meets the state’s requirements to operate as a real estate agent. You can do this by checking the California Department of Real Estate’s license lookup tool, which provides information about the broker’s name, license number, expiration date, and any disciplinary actions or restrictions on the license.

Why Do I Need to Verify Someone’s Real Estate License?

Working with a licensed real estate agent can give you peace of mind throughout the buying or selling process. The licensing process requires agents to undergo rigorous training, pass an exam, and adhere to strict ethical and legal standards. Working with a licensed agent protects you from potential fraud and ensures you receive quality service and support throughout the process. Licensed agents have access to the latest tools, information, and resources that can help you make informed decisions about your real estate transaction. Additionally, licensed agents must disclose any known property issues or defects, helping you avoid costly surprises. Overall, by choosing to work with a licensed real estate agent, you are making a smart investment in your future and protecting yourself from potential legal and financial issues.

How To Verify a California Real Estate License

Verifying a real estate salesperson or broker’s license is a simple process that can be done online. The California Department of Real Estate (DRE) has an online license lookup tool that allows you to check the status of a broker’s license. The tool provides information about the broker’s name, license number, expiration date, and any disciplinary actions or restrictions on the license. You can also verify the license status of a salesperson, corporation, or partnership associated with the broker. Additionally, you can check if the broker has any additional licenses or certifications, such as a notary public license.

With that being said, here are the steps you can take to verify a California Real Estate License:

  1. Go to the California Department of Real Estate’s website (DRE) at https://www.dre.ca.gov/.
  2. Click on “Licensees” in the top menu bar, then click on “Verify a License” in the dropdown menu.
  3. On the Licensee Search page, enter the name or license number in the search fields of who you wish to verify and click “Search.”
  4. Review the search results to find the licensee you are looking for. The search results will show the licensee’s name, license type, license id number, and current license status of the real estate agent.
  5. Verify the licensee’s information matches what you are expecting. If you have any doubts or concerns, you can find all of the DRE contact information here: https://www.dre.ca.gov/Contact.html

Next Steps

It is illegal for an unlicensed individual to conduct real estate transactions in California. If you end up dealing with a real estate broker that does not have their California real estate License there are steps you can and should take against them. These are the steps you will need to take if you believe you have been dealing with a fraudulent real estate agent:

  1. Stop working with the unlicensed broker: This may seem like an obvious first step however people might continue working with an agent if they are already invested financially. However, there are ways to reclaim stolen finances from this person and by ceasing to work with them you will also stop the potential for further loss or more legal issues.
  2. Seek Legal Advice: If you are suspicious that an agent is operating without a license it is a good idea to speak with a lawyer. They will be able to hopefully investigate your suspicions further and give you advice on what to do next from a legal standpoint.
  3. Gather information: If you are going to take action against this person it will likely be in the form of a complaint to the Department of Real Estate. This could be emails, texts, bank statements, etc. The more information you are able to provide them with the easier it will be for them to take action.
  4. Find any Witnesses: If someone witnessed this real estate agent telling you information you now suspect is not true, get their information. Your witness information should include a name, address, phone number, and written statement if possible.
  5. Fill Out a Complaint Form: The form to file an official complaint with the Department of Real Estate can be found here: https://www.dre.ca.gov/files/pdf/forms/re519.pdf. On this form you will be asked to provide a statement about what happened. Do your best to include as much detail as possible such as full names, times, and dates. When your complaint is received it will be reviewed and someone from the DRE will reach out to you with the findings or to request more information if it is needed.
  6. Testify: You may be asked to testify in court if it is found that the broker is indeed fraudulent. In California, it is illegal to operate without a real estate license so an administrative hearing will likely be held to resolve the matter. If this happens, review your complaint to refresh your mind before and tell the truth about what you experienced.

If there is compelling and clear evidence that the broker is illegitimate then the California bureau will take further steps. The broker will then be seen and possibly disciplined by a judge.


By checking the license of a real estate agent prior to working with them you are ensuring that you are protected legally and that the person that you are working with has all the necessary credentials. It is a quick and easy step to take that can help you avoid a lot of problems in the future.

If you have dealt with any of the issues listed above, searching for real estate agents moving forward may feel stressful. If you feel wary from a previous experience we recommend looking for someone that has reputable business reviews. It is important to remember that if you end up working with an illegitimate real estate agent that it is okay and it is not your fault. People who pose as something they are not are likely highly manipulative and deceitful. You are likely not the first victim, but you can prevent others from experiencing this through taking action and filing a complaint. If you think someone you know may be dealing with an illegitimate real estate broker, consider sharing this information with them and encourage them to investigate.

Understanding Real Estate Agent Compensation in California

One of the most common questions budding agents have is about how they’ll get paid. In the Golden State, there are various payment structures that agencies adopt. Let’s dive into the different ways agencies in California compensate their agents.

Commissions vs. Salaries

The vast majority of real estate agents in California are paid on a commission basis. This means they earn a percentage of the sale price of properties they help sell or buy. However, some agencies might offer a base salary, especially to new agents, but this is less common.

  • Commissions: Typically, the total commission on a property sale ranges from 4% to 6%. This commission is then split between the buyer’s agent and the seller’s agent.
  • Salaries: Some brokerages, especially larger ones, might offer a base salary in addition to commissions or in place of them. This provides agents with a steady income but might come with certain performance expectations.

Understanding Commission Splits

Commission splits determine how much of the commission an agent takes home.

  • Agent-Broker Split: After a sale, the commission doesn’t go straight into the agent’s pocket. It’s first split between the agent and their broker. For new agents, this split might be 50/50, but experienced agents could negotiate for a 70/30 or even an 80/20 split in their favor.
  • Listing vs. Buyer’s Agent Split: The total commission is also divided between the listing and buyer’s agent. Typically, this split is 50/50, but it can vary based on the agreement.

Negotiating Your Commission Split

As you gain experience and establish a track record of successful sales, you’ll be in a position to negotiate a more favorable commission split with your broker.

  • Show Your Value: Highlight your sales record, client testimonials, and any additional training or certifications you’ve obtained.
  • Understand Market Rates: Know the typical commission splits in your area and use this information during negotiations.
  • Consider the Full Package: Some brokerages might offer a lower split but provide extensive training, marketing support, and lead generation. This can be invaluable for agents early in their career.

Higher Splits vs. Training and Support

Some agencies might take a larger slice of the commission pie but offer extensive training, mentorship, and resources in return.

  • Training Programs: Especially beneficial for new agents, comprehensive training programs can set you up for success in the industry.
  • Mentorship: Having an experienced agent guide you through the intricacies of real estate can be invaluable.
  • Resources and Tools: Access to top-tier marketing tools, CRM systems, and lead generation platforms can significantly boost an agent’s career.

Popular Questions on Agent Payment in California

  1. What percentage do most realtors charge in California?
    The typical commission rate in California ranges from 4% to 6% of the property’s sale price.
  2. Does the buyer pay the real estate agent in California?
    Traditionally, the seller pays the commission, which is then split between the buyer’s and seller’s agents. However, payment structures can vary based on agreements.
  3. Can real estate commissions be paid to an LLC in California?
    In California, commissions must be paid to the broker, who then pays the agent. An agent can have their commissions paid to an LLC if the broker agrees, but there are tax implications to consider.
  4. Does the seller pay both realtor fees in California?
    Yes, traditionally, the seller pays the commission fees for both the buyer’s and seller’s agents.


Understanding different payment structures is crucial for anyone considering a career in real estate in California. While the commission-based structure dominates the industry, the way those commissions are split and the additional support provided by brokerages can vary widely. As you progress in your career, remember to reassess and negotiate your terms to reflect your experience and value.

The True Cost of Your First Year with a California Real Estate License

If you’re considering a career as a real estate agent, it’s important to understand the associated costs. Even though you may work within an agency, you’re essentially starting your own business. Your success will depend on the investments you make in time and money. Fortunately, with dedication and the right strategies, these costs can be recouped with just a few successful sales. Here’s a closer look at the financial aspects of your first year.

Joining a Real Estate Brokerage

The launchpad for your real estate career!

  • Desk Fees: Some brokerages might charge you for using their office space or other resources. This varies widely from one brokerage to another.
  • Commission Split: Remember, every time you make a sale, a portion goes to your brokerage. For example, if you sell a house for 15,000. If your broker takes a 30% split, they get 10,500. Not too shabby, right?
  • Membership Fees: Being part of the real estate community means joining local, state, and national associations like the National Association of Realtors. These memberships often come with significant discounts, and tools essential for your success.

Marketing and Branding

Time to let the world know about the newest real estate agent in town!

  • Business Cards: A small investment with a big impact! For as little as $20, you can get a pack of professional cards.
  • Website and Domain: Your online presence is crucial. Setting up a personal real estate website might cost you around 500 annually, depending on the features you choose.
  • Advertising: Whether it’s Facebook ads, local newspaper spots, or property signage, budgeting around $1,000 for the year is a good starting point.
  • Professional Photography: High-quality photos can make or break a listing. Hiring a professional photographer for a property shoot can range from 500

Continuing Education and Professional Development

Stay ahead of the game!

  • Post-license Education: California requires some mandatory post-license courses in your first year. These can often cost $100 or more, but our courses are just $59 each.
  • Seminars and Workshops: Consider attending a few workshops to enhance your skills. They can start at $500 for high-end seminars.

Daily Operational Costs

The essentials to keep your business running smoothly.

  • Transportation: Showing properties involves a lot of driving. Budget for gas, maintenance, and potential car upgrades. For example, driving 20 miles a day amounts to over 700 gallons of gas annually.
  • Technology: Costs for software, CRM systems, and other real estate tech tools can add up. Consult your broker for the best choices and available discounts.
  • Insurance: Protecting yourself with errors and omissions insurance is a must. This can be around $1,100 annually.

Miscellaneous Costs

The little things that add up.

  • Home Staging: Making properties appealing can sometimes require a bit of investment. Renting furniture or hiring a professional stager can range from $1,500 per property.
  • Gifts and Entertainment: Building relationships with clients is key. Setting aside $500 for the year for client gifts, lunches, or events is a smart move.
  • Professional Attire: Dressing the part can boost your confidence and impress clients. Whether it’s a sharp suit or a classy dress, budgeting around $500 is a good starting point.

Final Thoughts

Your first year as a real estate agent in California is an exciting journey full of opportunities. While there are costs, each dollar invested contributes to building a successful and lucrative career.

Do you have questions or need guidance on starting your real estate journey in California? Reach out to us – we’re here to help!

Financial Breakdown: Costs of Getting a Real Estate License

Starting a real estate career in California is not only an exciting opportunity, but also a financial investment. It’s important to understand the costs involved and calculate your return on capital investmented. We will look at the breakdown of costs associated with obtaining a California real estate license below.


Education and Course Fees

The first step towards acquiring your real estate license in California is completing the required education. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Course Requirements: In California, you are mandated to take three different courses:
  • Order of Courses: The good news is that you can take these courses in any order that suits your schedule and preference.
  • Pricing Options:
  • Additional Learning Opportunities:
    • We strongly recommend our optional Real Estate Crash Course, available for $149 if purchased separately.
    • While there are numerous other study courses available in the market, our complete package is designed to provide everything you need for success.


Licensing Exam and Other State Fees

Once you’ve completed your education, the next step is taking the state licensing exam. Here are the associated costs:

  • Examination Fee: The examination fee for the Salesperson (Agent) license is $60. This applies whether you’re taking the exam for the first time or retaking it.
  • License Fee: After passing the exam, you’ll need to pay a license fee of $245.
  • Fingerprint Processing Fee: There’s also a fingerprint processing fee of $49, which is paid directly to the live scan fingerprint service provider.


Other Costs

For those who prefer traditional learning materials, we offer hardcopy textbooks. You can purchase these for an additional $90, plus shipping. At Chamberlin Real Estate School, we pride ourselves on transparency and ensuring our students are well-informed. We want to assure you that there are no hidden costs associated with our courses or packages. The prices mentioned are straightforward and all-inclusive.


Total Investment

Considering all the costs, if you opt for the discounted course package from Chamberlin Real Estate School, your total investment to kickstart your real estate career in California would be approximately $700.


The Bottom Line

Obtaining a real estate license in California involves a significant initial financial outlay. However, by understanding these costs upfront, you can budget effectively and set yourself up for success. Remember, these costs are an investment in your future career. With dedication and hard work, the return on investment can be substantial.


License costs: https://www.dre.ca.gov/licensees/fees.html
Required courses for Salesperson license: https://www.dre.ca.gov/examinees/requirementssales.html

A Day in the Life of a Real Estate Agent: Behind the Scenes

Ever wondered what a day in the life of a real estate agent looks like? Imagine juggling client meetings, property showings, and market analysis, all while sipping on that third cup of coffee. Let’s look into the hustle and bustle of a real estate agent’s day in California, through an imaginary “Day in the Life”.

Morning Routine

Wake Up and Self-Care:
For some agents, mornings start with a jog around the neighborhood, observing the latest ‘For Sale’ signs. A healthy breakfast might include a smoothie while scanning the latest market news.

Reviewing the Day’s Schedule:
With a planner in hand, agents review their day. For example, Sarah, a seasoned agent, might have a 10 AM showing at a beachfront property followed by a noon consultation with first-time homebuyers.

Morning Communications:
Responding to a flurry of emails is common. There might be a message from Mr. and Mrs. Smith, eager to view a newly listed bungalow, or a voicemail from a seller confirming a listing price.

Mid-Morning Activities

Property Showings:
Imagine guiding the Martins, a young couple, through a sunlit condo with a view of the Pacific, highlighting the renovated kitchen and the nearby schools.

Market Research:
Agents might spend time analyzing how a recent tech boom in San Francisco is influencing property prices in nearby Palo Alto.

Perhaps it’s a quick coffee with a mortgage broker to discuss the latest loan options or a chat with a fellow agent about a potential property collaboration.

Lunch Break

A quiet moment in a local café, perhaps enjoying a tasty avocado toast, provides a breather.

Casual Meetings:
Lunch might also be a business affair, like discussing property investment opportunities with a seasoned investor at a downtown bistro.

Afternoon Tasks

Picture an agent poring over a contract, ensuring every detail, from property boundaries to sale contingencies, is perfect for their client.

Client Meetings:
An afternoon might involve meeting the Garcias, who are relocating from New York, and want insights into California’s property market.

Property Viewings:
Visiting a 1960s ranch-style home, noting its vintage charm but also the need for a modern kitchen revamp, is all in a day’s work.

Evening Activities

Open Houses:
As the sun sets, agents might host an open house, with soft jazz playing in the background and potential buyers admiring a property’s evening ambiance.

A call to the Johnsons to update them on a seller’s counteroffer or a message to a home inspector about a property’s plumbing issue wraps up the day.

Planning for the Next Day:
Agents often lay out their next day’s game plan, perhaps preparing for a seminar on green home innovations.

Winding Down

Journaling about the day’s wins, like the smile on the Martins’ faces when they found their dream condo, is a fulfilling end.

Perhaps it’s a glass of Napa Valley wine or a chapter of a best-seller before calling it a night.

So there you have it…

A real estate agent’s day is a whirlwind of activities, from the thrill of closing a deal to the satisfaction of helping clients find their dream home. It’s a dynamic profession, filled with challenges and less-than-exciting paperwork, but the rewards, both emotional and financial, make every day an adventure.

Unlocking Opportunities: Comprehensive Guide to Real Estate Licenses in California

In professional careers, holding a license offers significant advantages, including better opportunities and increased earning potential. Among various licenses, the California Real Estate License stands out as one of the most popular. This article explores the benefits of obtaining this license, its types, and how it can shape your career path.

What is a Real Estate License?

A Real Estate License is state-issued authorization allowing individuals to conduct real estate transactions as agents or brokers. It signifies the holder’s knowledge, skills, and compliance with state real estate laws and regulations.

Types of Real Estate Licenses in California

California offers two primary types of real estate licenses:

  1. Real Estate Salesperson License: This is the entry-level license for those looking to start their career in real estate. It allows individuals to represent buyers and sellers in real estate transactions under the supervision of a licensed broker.
  2. Real Estate Broker License: An advanced license enabling individuals to work independently, hire sales agents, and run their own real estate businesses.

Career Opportunities with a License

A real estate license in California is more than a certification; it’s your gateway to numerous career opportunities. With this license, you can become a real estate agent, broker, or start your own real estate business, enhancing your professional stature and appeal to employers.

Jobs Requiring a Real Estate License

Real Estate Agent: Helps clients buy, sell, or rent properties.

Real Estate Broker: Can run their own brokerage, hiring agents to work under them.

Property Manager: Manages properties on behalf of owners, ensuring they’re maintained and rented out.

Real Estate Appraiser: Evaluates the value of properties for sale or taxation purposes.

Jobs Benefiting from a License but Not Mandatory

Real Estate Consultant: Advises clients on market conditions, property prices, and related information.

Real Estate Photographer: While not mandatory, understanding property aspects can help in capturing better photos.

Home Stager: Helps in preparing homes for sale to make them more appealing to potential buyers.

Financial Benefits

The financial benefits of holding a real estate license are significant. Licensed realtors earn commissions from property sales, leading to substantial income. This earning potential distinguishes you from those without a license in the real estate industry.

Drawbacks of Not Having a License

Without a real estate license, you’re restricted from legally representing buyers or sellers in property transactions. This limitation means missing out on commission-based earnings. Additionally, you may lack credibility in the eyes of clients and employers, limiting your growth prospects.

Cost and Process of Obtaining a License

The journey to obtaining a real estate license in California involves several steps and associated costs:

Pre-License Education: Prospective agents must complete 135 hours of pre-license courses. Costs can vary greatly, but what is important is selecting a school with an excellent reputation, who will help you pass the real estate exam.

License Examination: The fee for the salesperson exam is $60.

License Application: The application fee for a salesperson license is $245.

Fingerprinting: The fingerprinting fee for a salesperson application is $49.

This list excludes additional costs like brokerage fees, membership dues, and marketing expenses.


Securing a real estate license in California is a practical goal with many advantages. It can lead to a fulfilling career with opportunities for growth. Whether you aim to become an agent or broker, understanding real estate licensing in California is essential for making an informed decision. Start today and envision your future as a licensed real estate professional!


Types of licenses: https://www.dre.ca.gov/licensees

Real estate license fees: https://www.dre.ca.gov/licensees/fees.html