Real Estate Office Administration, 10th Edition Book



Textbook: Real Estate Brokerage: A Management Guide 10th Edition by Erica Ramus
Softcover, 8 1/2 x 11″


Survival in the radically changing business environment of real estate brokerage requires sound management. This updated edition of Real Estate Brokerage: A Management Guide, will show you not only how to set up a sound business, but also how to make it flourish! Using a generally accepted business management model, this guidebook provides the five success steps to follow in establishing and keeping a brokerage on course.

Then after you’ve discovered how each function impacts a brokerage, the last unit of the book focuses on personal development as a manager — how to be an effective leader, coach and communicator. Real Estate Brokerage: A Management Guide is your road map to success, designed to steer you through the challenges new and experienced brokers face in running their businesses.


The Challenge of Change – Analyzing the Business Climate – Analyzing the Market – Developing a Plan – Structuring Your Organization – Structuring Your Business Systems – Structuring Your Finances – Business Policies and Procedures – Marketing and Advertising – Recruiting, Selecting and Hiring the Staff – Professional Development for Your Staff – Coaching Your Staff – Monitoring Your Operations – Managing Risk – Becoming a Leader – Developing as a Manager – Being a Communicator – Appendix – Glossary – Bibliography – Index