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Get My License

Overview and
Course Selection

An applicant for the California real estate salesperson examination must show proof of three courses prior to the state exam.

The complete pre-license package represents our most successful method for passing the state exam.

***Our Real Estate Practice course is compliant with SB 1495. One of the few schools in the state that is already approved – be sure to check for this when doing your research!

Preparing to Pass the State Salesperson Examination

The Chamberlin Real Estate School offers a unique “home-study” program, which includes online courses or textbook based courses with the benefit of “Personal Instructor” support.  This combination of distance education with instructor support has proven to be a superior method of preparing to pass the state salesperson examination. Courses include on-line homework assignments and on-line final examinations.  Our Pre-License Package also includes online Exam Prep for the state test and a live 1-day webinar crash course.

Receive a Coupon Code for $25 OFF of any Pre-license Package.