Resources: Forms
Yes. Chamberlin’s breakthrough course delivery platform (powered by ), enables students to “learn on the go” by viewing their courses on most tablets or smartphones. Course screens will scale to your mobile device and all reading assignments, quizzes, final exams, and multimedia content (such as video or audio files) will function properly in most cases.
Examination scheduling is based on the volume of applications received by the BRE. Examination availability is subject to the seating capacity of the facility and the demand for that site.
Examinations are generally administered as needed in the following areas:
- Fresno
- San Diego
- Los Angeles
- Oakland
- Sacramento
NOTE: Examination locations within an area may vary. Requests for specific locations within the chosen area cannot be granted. However, you may use the eLicensing online system to select a specific exam date and site.
See our current exam schedule on this website.
The state testing facility will provide you with a calculator. You are not permitted to bring your own.
The following items are not permitted in the examination room: backpacks, briefcases, suitcases, food, drink, study materials, portable computers, PDAs (personal digital assistants), or programmable calculators. Furthermore, cell phone use is prohibited during the examination. All cell phones must be turned off and placed out of sight once you enter the exam room.
The Bureau of Real Estate and its employees will not be liable or responsible for the loss or damage of any personal belongings that are brought to a real estate examination. If personal belongs are brought to the examination, such items may not be taken by the examinee to the desk where the examination will be completed. They will be placed in a storage area apart from the owner. The storage area will not be operated or monitored by the Department.
Examination Security – Because of the need to ensure confidentiality of examinations, you cannot inspect your book or answer sheet after the examination session has ended (Section 1798.40(e) of the California Civil Code).
After you pass the examination, you will be sent a Salesperson License Application (RE 202). This form must be completed and returned along with the appropriate fee within one year after passing the examination. A completed Live Scan Service Request (RE 237) must be submitted with the application unless you held a real estate license which expired less than two years ago. See Fees and Fingerprint Requirements for further information.
Applications for a real estate license received on or after January 1, 2016 will no longer require proof of legal presence in the United States. Applicants will still be required to provide a social security number or an individual taxpayer identification number for licensure.
- Do complete the application form correctly and fully. Any misrepresentations or missing items may result in delays in obtaining an examination date or disqualification from the examination. Transcripts should accompany the initial application.
- Do use the eLicensing online system
to inform the Department of any change in your exam mailing address. Changes may also be submitted in writing at the examination site; by letter to the BRE at P.O. Box 187001, Sacramento, CA 95818-7001; or by calling (916) 227-0900 (for salesperson exam changes) or (916) 227-0899 (for broker exam changes).
- Do check available exam dates
to find out when and where the BRE is scheduling examinations; however, keep in mind that a particular exam may be filled by the time your exam application is submitted and processed.
- Do wait at least six weeks for notification of your examination date, time, and location. If you have not received your notice, please check your exam date on the BRE Web site, or through the Interactive Voice Response System by calling the BRE Examination Section at (916) 227-0900. If you have been scheduled, you can request a duplicate Examination Schedule Notice using the eLicensing online system
. If you have not been scheduled, call the BRE Examination Section at (916) 227-0900.
- Don’t send cash.
- Don’t apply for an examination if you are not prepared to take it. You will be scheduled for the first available date on or after the date indicated on the application.
- Don’t submit a fingerprint card with the examination application.
- Don’t submit legal presence documents with the examination application.
- Don’t expect a refund or credit for any fees submitted. The Business and Professions Code prohibits refunds of application fees.
- Don’t mail or send duplicate faxes for the same transaction. This may result in your account inadvertently being charged twice and an unintentional rescheduling of your examination date. Fees remitted will not be refunded per Section 10207 of the Business and Professions Code. Due to workload demands, we cannot honor requests to confirm receipt of faxed documentation. Your fax machine confirmation sheet is your receipt. All applications are processed in date received order.
In accordance with Section 17520 of the Family Code, BRE is precluded from issuing or renewing a full-term license if the applicant is on a list of persons (obligors) who have not complied with a court order to provide child support payments. The Department of Child Support Services compiles the list which includes all counties in California. BRE will issue a 150-day license to an otherwise qualified applicant who is on the list of child support obligors. BRE will advise the applicant that the license applied for cannot be issued unless a release is furnished to BRE from the Department of Child Support Services during the 150 days.
BRE also receives a supplemental list of obligors who are over four months delinquent in child support payments. BRE compares this list to the total real estate licensee population. If there is a match of an existing licensee and the license is not due for renewal for at least six months, the licensee will be advised that the license will be suspended if the delinquency is not cleared within 150 days. The suspension will remain in effect until the delinquency is cleared.
Commissioner’s Regulation 2716.5 requires that a licensee or applicant whose name appears on a certified or supplemental list pursuant to Section 17520 of the Family Code pay a processing fee of $95 to BRE.

Failure to Disclose Pertinent Information May Result in Denial of Your License Application and/or Delays.
License applicants must provide accurate, complete and detailed information regarding:
- Any disciplinary action taken against a business or professional license EVER**; and,
- Any criminal convictions* (includes DUIs, misdemeanors, felonies, etc.) EVER**; and,
- Any criminal charges pending at the time you submit your application.
Answer truthfully and completely!
Read the questions on the application carefully and answer truthfully and completely. Provide ALL information requested. Failure to disclose disciplinary actions or crimes which occurred in your entire history** may be considered an attempt to obtain a license by fraud or misrepresentation and could result in the denial of your license application. Irrespective of any advice that may be received from others, the license applicant alone is responsible for disclosing accurate and complete information.
When in doubt, disclose!
In the event you have one or more offenses to report, please take extra care to disclose all actions and convictions regardless of how long ago they occurred, or whether or not a conviction has been expunged under Penal Code Section 1203.4, or a similar statute. The failure to disclose charges/convictions will result in substantial delays in the processing of your application and may result in denial of the license application.
A few examples of offenses which must be disclosed on the license application include:
- Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Driving without a license or while license is suspended
- Any criminal charges pending at the time you submit your application.
- Reckless driving
- Shoplifting
- Petty theft
- Etc.
The DRE will find out, BEFORE and AFTER!
Prior to license issuance, the DRE completes detailed background checks on all license applicants. This includes the receipt and review of fingerprint reports from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The BRE also receives reports on criminal violations committed after license issuance, which may result in disciplinary action being taken against the real estate license.
* Definition of “Conviction”
“Conviction” includes a verdict of guilty by a judge, a plea of nolo contendre, or a forfeiture of bail in municipal, superior or federal court. All convictions must be disclosed whether or not the conviction against you was dismissed or expunged or if you have been pardoned. Convictions while you were a minor must be disclosed unless the record has been sealed under Section 1203.45 of the California Penal Code or Section 781 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code.
** “EVER” means “EVER”
Carefully review your entire history and provide complete and accurate information.