Landlord-Tenant Law Overview” class=”resource” target=”_blank”>Landlord-Tenant Law Overview
Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act
To protect families from exposure to lead from paint, dust, and soil, Congress passed the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, also known as Title X. Section 1018 of this law directed HUD and EPA to require the disclosure of known information on lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards before the sale or lease of most housing built before 1978. Congress chose not to cover post-1977 housing because the CPSC banned the use of lead-based paint for residential use in 1978.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
League of California Cities
Loan Quality Initiative (LQI)
The Loan Quality Initiative (LQI) was implemented to promote complete and accurate loan data, eliminate the delivery of ineligible loans, and reduce repurchase risk and pricing errors. The LQI is focused on four basic objectives: 1. clarifying business and credit policies, 2. capturing critical loan data earlier in the process, 3. validating certain data quality, eligibility, and pricing primarily before, but also during, and immediately after loan delivery, and 4. monitoring loan quality performance and providing feedback through quality control (QC) reviews, training, and collaborative consultation with customers.
Los Angeles County Assessor Online Public Service