
A Quick Guide for Students

  1. Selecting a Flashcard Category:

    • Use the dropdown menu above to choose the specific topic you’d like to study.

  2. Flipping Cards:

    • To flip a card, simply click or tap anywhere on the card.

  3. Navigating Cards:

    • To move to the next card, click the forward arrow or swipe left.
    • To go back to the previous card, click the back arrow or swipe right.

  4. Shuffling Cards:

    • Want to mix things up? Click the “crossed arrows” icon to shuffle the cards in the deck.
    • To un-shuffle and return to the regular card order, click the “crossed arrows” button again.

  5. Switching Terms and Definitions:

    • To view definitions first (instead of terms), click the “parallel arrows” button.
    • To switch back to viewing terms first, click the “parallel arrows” button again.

  6. Saving Cards for Study Later:

    • To save a card, click the “star” icon in the upper right corner of the card. This marks the card as important.
    • To study only the cards you’ve starred, go to the end of the deck and click the “Study [X] starred terms” button. This will filter the deck to show only your starred cards.

  7. Removing a Starred Card:

    • To un-star a card, click the “star” icon in the upper right corner again. This will remove it from your starred list.